
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Love Grows Here

I know this is a cooking blog and I should probably be discussing food and all things culinary, but this week, I'd like to share with you, a little more intimacy, and a little more ME.  It is still dark out, as I type, and my cat, Buddy, is curled up on my lap, purring steadily, with his face pressed into my tummy.  He hops onto my lap every morning when I sit at the kitchen table to check my emails. I think this is his way of telling me he loves me.  Love is everything, isn't it?  It's funny how such a small word, only four letters, can hold such big meaning.  It's simple, it's complicated, it's everything, it's eternal, it's necessary, it is...

1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

 This heart shelf hangs in my bedroom, on the wall by my night table.  I love the primitive hanging hearts!

 This is my heart rock collection.  I have four now, biggest to smallest.  My girls found three, and the tiniest one was my niece, Emily, who found it, and gave it to me.

 This sign hangs in my bedroom, because who doesn't want to be kissed goodnight, every night?  It's just a little reminder!  

This little kitty door stopper greets family and friends at the door, because family and friends are always welcome!   

 Home Sweet Home!  No matter how far away we roam, there's no place like home.  After all the adventures, no matter how big or small, home is the place where we eventually want to be.  There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed!

 This mug was a Christmas gift from my friend, Rachel.  It holds my morning cup of coffee and reminds me how blessed I am to have found such dear friends in this world! 

 These are my chrysanthemums, blooming in the front of the house.  They are a reminder that Summer is almost over and Autumn is just around the corner!  

As you can see, love is everywhere, and all around me.  I am surrounded by it every day.  As soon as I open my eyes, I love, and am loved in return.  

Thank you for dropping in. I hope love is everywhere in your home too, because where there is love, there is happiness.  It's as simple as that.  Happy Thursday dear friends! xoxo

Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold. - Zelda Fitzgerald


  1. I am teary-eyed as I read this Rosinda because we are so very much alike. Kindred souls have been drawn together because we share so many ideals of keeping love alive, caring for others, and sharing our hearts and lives with others.....I LOVE this and it makes your cooking even more special....because I KNOW it comes from your heart.
    p.s. I've been working on some background things myself; however, uploading pictures was not working this morning, so I didn't get it done. Happy Thursday Rosinda....YOU are mentioned in my next post which will be finished up later today.

  2. Dear Rosinda, everything you do is motivated by love...your love for your family, love for friends, and your love of life itself!!! Thank you for the glimpse into your home and things you treasure! A sweet someone once gave me a sign that says...Always kiss me goodnight...which hangs in our bedroom : ) Like minds!!! I am sorry I haven't been visiting lately...a bit of difficulty with my right hand, but I am here today : ) Sending extra love and a big hug!...Sherry xx

  3. Sweet Rosinda, your home is just like you, full of love. The heart shaped rocks are amazing and you have four, one for each person in your family. Thanks for the peak at some of your favorite things that speak of love. "Love is the beauty of the soul." - St. Augustine

  4. Dearest Rosinda, what a beautiful actually brought tears to my eyes!Even though we haven't met (yet!) it confirms everything I know about you...your goodness, kindness, warmth and, above all, the love that you give out and that comes back to you from everyone you know. You are so right, love really is all you need. Have a wonderfull weekend...dark & rainy here, perfect for cosy homey things! Love you sweetie and so happy to think of you drinking coffee from the mug that travelled all the way from my home to yours oxoxo

  5. Oh Rosinda, I love this post so much! It's a lovely look into your life and your heart. No wonder we all love you so much! And the photos are beautiful! xoxo

  6. Love IS everything, Rosinda! You nailed it! I can see it is evidenced everywhere in your home and your family. I see it in the smiles of your husband's and daughters' faces. I see it in the words you choose to share with those who love your blog! Thank you for sharing! xoxo...Karen (also LOVE the Emma cup and sister-in-law gave me a pink heart Emma mug and I just love using it!)
